Patch 1.2.6

Patch 1.2.6:

- Swapped control combinations for "Tactical Command" and "Berzerker" skills. TC will now use up+attack, while Berzerker will use up+offhand.

- Fixed issue preventing ale from being able to be added to flasks via context menus.

- Redesigned tooltips and item context in the character menu. Inventory items will only show a small item name tooltip until interacted with.

- The new item context window is a combination of previous item tooltips and the context options.

- Item comparison data is now visible in the item context menu, while viewing an item that can replace any equipped slot.

- Hovering over items in the equipment/drink swap panels will still show the original tooltip.

- In the skill tree (info panel), skill command button combinations are now clearly displayed with proper controller icons.

- Increased the text size of some NPC dialogs.

- Thrown objects (jars/boxes/etc) will now break when hitting the ground rather than slide across the floor.

- Disassembling items will now return components relative to the stack size destroyed (before you could break a stack of say 20 swords and only get 2-3 iron scraps).

- Disassembly loot tables are updated. Breaking weapons/offhands can result in more respective possible components. Same with any armor piece.

- Updated loading screen tips with more useful information.

- Added the missing "Luck" stat to the character menu.

- Removed "combat tips" tutorial from Prison 1 area. It was not needed after the addition of the actual tutorial level.

- Increased the size of texts used in graphics menu dropdowns.

- Fixed an issue preventing the user from returning to the left options of the main menu when manipulating audio sliders.

- From anywhere in the main menu options, you can use the offhand button to return focus to the left list.

Files 635 MB
18 days ago

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