Patch 1.2.3

Patch 1.2.3:

- Added missing voice acting for Jesus and DjinnJir

- Fixed a wide-spread issue causing black screens when equipping certain items

- Jesus will now appear in the tavern properly after the xmas event is completed.

- Fixed the post-combat dialog for Ivy and added a chat dialog so that you can complete the event if it failed for any reason.

- Fixed auto-sorting of inventory, when disassembling items the sorting should stay stable now.

- The resolution dropdown in graphical options will now use a failsafe resolution list when the game engine can not detect your monitors refresh rate.

- Fixed an issue causing item context menus to grow bigger and bigger

- Shield stamina usage is working as expected now. They were never meant to be held indefinitely.

- Shields now have inherent damage reduction values that differ between them. i.e. the buckler resists less damage than the wood heater shield.

- Fixed a secondary issue that could randomly cause loading failures (black screen) from the title screen.

Files 667 MB
43 days ago

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