Update 0.5.4

Revised UI!

I have reorganized and re-scaled the main UI window to be both easier to read and also fully support controller usage!

I have removed the "Ally" and the "Journal" tabs for now, they are being repurposed and will be reintroduced in a later build.

You will also notice the "Map" tab is missing. Maps have been relocated to their own window with their own keybinding.

To open the game map simply use the "M" key on keyboards or the Left Bumper button on gamepads. These controls are listed in the system menu for reference.

I also updated the game icon, just FYI (didn't like the old one very much and I may change this again... not sure yet)

Bug Fix:

- Fixed an issue preventing the Crucible key from dropping after successfully exorcising Mother Superior. If you have already done this, revisit the house in Ribe where she was previously chained up to now find the key.


BookOfKorvald_Demo_x86.zip 343 MB
Nov 07, 2022

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