Patch 0.9.35


- The Save/Load window is now split into two independent menus. A Save menu which is only available during gameplay, and a Load menu.


- Adjusted many locations where moving from one door to the next was not positioning the player properly.

- Crumbling floors that require the Crash skill are now working properly. Players were able to fall through them giving them access to areas out of order.

- Talking to Sister Therese in her chambers will no longer cause unresponsiveness.

- Hrotsvitha missions will now properly reward artifacts. If you did a mission and did not get your item, then the mission will reappear as being available.

- Adjusted soldier/knight walk and attack speeds. They were not being very intimidating.

Files 471 MB
Aug 28, 2023


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Yesssss, I did have the therese problem. It's good to see these fixed. Good work. :D

I gotchu fam!