Update 0.4.0

Major Changes:

- Artifacts are no longer usable but rather now have passive effects.

- Weapons (main hand and off hand) now require varying amounts of stamina/power per use.

- Combo points are now referred to as aggression and can be spent to deploy throws, slams, and ultimates (more on that below)

- Bows are no longer off hand items but are two handed weapons and don't require collecting arrows to use.

- Overload transformations are temporarily absent from the game. They will return in a later update for specific events.

- Removed the artifacts "Stone of Delocation" and "Stone of Relocation".

- Unlocking of waypoints (previously via the Stone of Relocation) will now occur automatically when walking over rift cracks.

- Korvalds private dimension (safe house) can now be accessed directly via the basement of Noraitha's tavern.

New Stuff:

- Each boss in the game now has a small chance to drop powerful off hand items and some even rarer weapons.

- Most off hand weapons have hidden ultimate abilities. To use, have 5 aggression points saved and hold up + attack (previously used for artifacts).

- Swords, lances, spears, daggers and other thristable weapons can now be used underwater.

- Several water based enemies added to the various bodies of water in the game.

- 1 new major arcana boss added below the cathedral

- 1 new ally/boss battle added near the roads outside of the Iron Abbey

- Mother Superior story events added

- Drinking contest added to tavern (requires having unlocked certain named allies)

- Tavern sex scenes added for Ingrid, Ester, Astrid, Jette, Qveen, Hrotsvitha, Zhedha and Nansi

- Extended intro sequence

- New title screen

- Many new easter eggs


BookOfKorvald_0.4.0_x86.zip 334 MB
Jul 04, 2022

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