Patch 0.3.8


- Added objective markers to the world map. These will point players towards the correct areas needed to advance the main storyline.

- Added ally context menus. Clicking on ally unit frames will open options to dismiss an ally if need be. Named allies will have added options to make them either aggressive in combat or passive and refrain from attacking enemies.


- Fixed an issue causing the player to continue to climb beyond the length of climbable ropes/chains.

- Fixed boss drops and world pickup items that continuously appear after you have already received them.

- Fixed an impassable area in the "date" dungeon.

- Fixed the boss battle in the "date" dungeon.

- Fixed a long running script that was causing game crashes when running in the background for too long.

- Fixed malfunctioning save slot buttons.

- Reduced the AoE damage from the Blessed Foot artifact.

- Reduced strength modifiers for allies, bringing their damage output down to reasonable levels.

- Fixed several incorrect lines of dialog.

- Fixed an issue causing item context menus to continuously expand.

- Added Brother Lyustus' shop inventory to Hrotsvitha in the tavern, so that players do not lose access to his items even after recruiting him.

Files 461 MB
Jan 06, 2022

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