Update 0.0.284

Fixed issues preventing equipped items from being saved to a save slot.

Fixed several staircases in the cathedral that were causing players to fall through.

Fixed a physics bug that was causing enemies to go into orbit when sliding into them.

Fixed finishing moves, they will actually KILL OUTRIGHT now instead of just do damage.

Added some new background NPCs (horses and peasants) for flair in Ribe and the surrounding forest.

Cathedral and Prison now have a slew of storage rooms scattered around their entirety.

Kara's prison cell key is now used to open the other prison cells. Kara's cell no longer requires a key to open.

2 new enemies added. Phantoms added to the prison (weaker trash mob type), and in the cathedral you will now find a few Teutonic Destroyers (very strong, very tough).


BookOfKorvald_0.0.284.zip 351 MB
Sep 24, 2020

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