Update: 0.0.1

Fixed the spastic finishing moves. Now they are fired when hitting the interact key ("E"), an icon will appear when they become available.

A fourth room has been added. This one starts to introduce real platforming game play.

Made many graphic improvements including:

- New time slowing effect used to make finishing moves and elbow drops more dramatic. FYI while in mid air, hold down and attack to drop bows.

- New glow on player weapons when swinging them.

- Sewer dwellers have better attack animations and some minor skin improvements

- The default artifact (hold up and attack) will now heal for half health. This will change in the full demo but I wanted players to have a free easy heal for now.

- The nun warrior skin and animations were updated. Sex sequence removed for now though (I have a different approach coming in the next update)

- Fixed the slide skill. You no longer have to hold a direction to get the slide to work. 

- Madness runes are working as well as the madness animation and related mechanics. Not ready to go into depth on explaining these yet, just saying...


- Inventory and equipment panels are still goofy. I promise to have these fixed in the next update.

- Prison sex sequence animation anomalies. (When you see them... you'll shit bricks) 


BookOfKorvald_0.0.1.zip 101 MB
Apr 29, 2020

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