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Is this just a demo or the actual game just a bit behind?

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This is just the demo. Full version can be found here:

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woooooo yeah baby full release thanks you very so much puncing donut


You are most welcome! Enjoy!


The Steam version seems to be ahead of this one.

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hi dev punching donut do you have a tutorial how to share save data. thank you

hello dev punch donuts I want to say I like playing your game. and now I hope this game doesn't have features from other games like /Cheating/ or /Netorare.

and for me your game is in the best top 1 thank you for making this game i love so much 


There is no NTR in my game. There is also no cheating technically. Occasionally Korvald FEELS like he's cheating on his dead wife, but that is as far as it goes.

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thank dev i like your job and dev how about kara is she in update villain or not thanks. and I want to apologize first when the full update


Kara's story is left on a cliffhanger at the end. You will see her again in the next game. The remaining content updates will start becoming available in the next month. I am adding more allies and adding sex scenes for the secret characters that don't currently have any. More weapons, runes, and skills too.


U cant release ur lust on ur allies ? Even when we captured them ? (like zheda)


Named allies like Zhedha, Kara and Ingrid can't be seduced in battle. They all have special events or places where it's possible. Only normal enemies can be seduced on the go. 


Any plans to release full version on itch or will it be steam only?


i just bought the patreon version assuming thats the full game
or just the patreon version of the demo?

When it gets released on steam will there be achievements?
and if the Patreon version will count as buying the full game, would i get the steam version as well so i can unlock the maybe achiev?

Thanks in advance and most especially for the great work youre doing with this game! im loving it


I appreciate the kind words, thank you! The Patreon version is simply the special version of the demo that my patrons receive. I put that on here so people could just buy it rather than sub to me on Patreon if they choose.

The Steam version WILL have plenty of achievements. I am actually in the process right now of getting them created for the game and there are around 30 so far. I plan to launch with about 40 to 50 achievements ready to go.


oh nice, glad i couldve supported you this way ^^
cant wait to hunt them all in the final release!


The game is good and I will buy it in steam,but can you join Chinese in language,even use AI to translae,it is really hard for me to understand the story,by the way,I want to know the final price in steam


How can i get this?I can`t find it in steam


This game owns! I'm getting it on steam day one. Thanks for making it!

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It makes me happy that you enjoy my game that much! Thank you!


Excellent game that blends old-school gameplay with new mechanics, crisp graphics with beautiful locations, complex gameworld and a great story. Haven't played all of it yet but I would simply love to have one or several mother and son incest couples present caputured or hiding. Not much else to say for now except keep up this awesome work!


Thank you very much, I am so glad you enjoyed my work!

 Be sure to wishlist the full version on Steam, the demo only reveals about 1/8th of the total content I have created.


"The game is fun but way too easy, in my opinion. I'm kind of good at this kind of game, so I may not speak for everyone, but I find it weird that I couldn't die a single time. The enemy damage was too weak, in my opinion. The sex scenes were nice, though."

Thank you for the kind words, I am glad you enjoyed the demo. Regarding the difficulty, I can tell you that the combat/enemy damage/etc in the full version (which is nearly finished) has been drastically improved and balanced. The demo IS pretty easy, I kind of left Korvald as a juggernaut so that people trying the game could have a nice stress free tour of things.

Stay tuned for the full version, you won't regret it.

Honestly, took a chance on the demo. Super fluid and fun. The writing and voice acting are also fantastic. Can't wait for the full steam release!

Thank you so much! The full release is coming very soon, I am pretty excited for you all to get the full experience.

Will there be a Linux version?

To be honest, it hasn't been requested before. I suppose I could give a Linux build a try. I'll take a shot at it in the next week or so.

Snouldn't "Charlemagne" instead of french prounouncation called german or latin way, "Karl der Grosse" or "Karolus Magnus"?

The game takes place in Skandinavia, there was no french speakers here,  and king Karl himelf came from german and latin speaking elite. It sorta breaks the immersion, that person wasn't called modern anglo-french way in this region especially when he was alive.

That is a good catch. I'll be honest, I didn't think that far into it. To be fair though, none of the dialog is spoken in a way that would have been accurate for the 9th century. I took a LOT of creative liberties with real history. For example...

- The real Ribe cathedral is only the size of a chapel (not a sprawling fortress like in the game). 

- The real Hrotsvitha did not look like a smoking hot librarian, nor could she speak all languages fluently.

- The real Hjortvad and Skov locations in Denmark are laughably nothing like in the game.

- Jelling is a hell of a lot farther North from Ribe than the game depicts.

- There are templars. There is no reason that templars would be wandering around Denmark a century before their establishment in Jerusalem.

And many more things I have twisted around just for the lulz.

Mine isn't so much of a historical nitpick, more of stylistical. 
IMO the French spelling of Karl's name sorta stand out from the rest of this Germanesque fantasy setting.  You know: Hrotsvitha, Hjortvad  and then ... Charlemagne for a dude even was a Germanic king.  Maybe even better call him "Karl the Great", it will be understandable for a general public and will be able to denote as if chars speaking their native languages and it is translated to English (or whatever localization are chosen) for our convenience.

In short I thought that French spelling of his name not fit the setting. 

I understand what you are saying.



Great game. Entertaining as fuck and has an incredible setting. I'm looking forward to the future of Korvald.


Thank you so much! The full release is coming VERY soon!

YOOoo i like where the game is going, however, i have one question. Can saves from previous versions be used?

Across demo versions, yes. When the completed game comes out on Steam, demo saves will not work in the full release and vice versa. (though I am not sure why someone would try to load a save from the full version into a demo version)

I think the Patreon  version update has been mixed up with the demo? It's telling me "Full Version Only" when I brought   the Patreon Version. Or is the patreon version not the "Full Version" anymore? Love the game btw, The art is amazing.

The Patreon version is also a demo version, but with special cheats available and a few extra sex scenes. The full version will be the release available on Steam in June.

Ohhh, sorry I got confused. Thank you for replying and clearing that up, I thought my game or the patch was bugged. Was there any new content added to this update?  Or is it mainly the bug fixes and tweaks ? 

It was just fixes and improvements. Any content I am adding at this point is strictly for the full release.

Saving the game removes all learned talents. (They can be reaquired by saving and loading). It doesnt refresh instantly after you save, so it still looks like the talents are there, but they arent.
It also resets rage when a save is performed.

Thank you for letting me know. I will get that patched as soon as I can.

he kinda looks like zeus tho

it's true. the ladies love it though so Korvald doesn't mind.


the real alpha male lol

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